I certify that I have read DeFord Contracting Inc. policy on alcohol and drug testing procedures. I understand that as a condition of employment as an employee, I must comply with these guidelines and do agree that I will remain medically qualified by following these guidelines.
I will comply with substance abuse concerns during my employment with DeFord Contracting Inc. and I will seek assistance through the current alcohol and drug counseling referral provided through (E.F.A.P) by DeFord Contracting Inc.
I will comply with substance abuse test required by DeFord Contracting Inc. I will be driven to the test place by a supervisor of DeFord Contracting Inc. and driven home if needed. A written notice will be noted in my file.
There is zero tolerance for Alcohol, Cannabis (in smoke or in edible form) or illicit drugs in any DeFord vehicle or on any their sites. A written notice (and or) termination will be noted in my file.
There is no us without a healthy you.
Safety. Respect the unexpected.