Incident Commander Responsibilities

  • Call 911 or designate someone to call 911;
  • Ensure all personnel are accounted for;
  • In the case someone is not accounted, and when safe to do so, send two people in to look for missing personnel;
  • Ensure someone is traffic controlling the driveway to ensure no vehicle enter;
  • Ensure someone is at the boulevard to flag/direct emergency personnel;
  • Evacuate the area when as required;
  • Ensure any injured workers are receiving first aid when required; and,
  • Ensure Safety Coordinator is notified.

Maps are posted at our building exits. Please become familiar with the location of exit routes, muster points, fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, first aid kits, Incident Commanders, and First Aid Attendants.

There is no us without a healthy you.

Safety. Respect the unexpected.