Response Procedures

  • Using the incident investigation form, the manager or supervisor documents all reports of workplace violence/harassment, hazards and measures taken to address them;
  • If the resolution of the incident is beyond the authority of a manager or supervisor, she/he must make the CEO or equivalent aware of the report. The CEO or equivalent involves other managers or supervisors in the investigation as appropriate (e.g., when the incident involves clients or employees under another manager’s or supervisor’s area of responsibility);
  • Management reviews all incident reports, monitors trends and makes recommendations to the CEO or equivalent for prevention and enhancements to the workplace violence and harassment prevention program;
  • These findings are shared with the Safety Manager, who is consulted about any revision to the violence and harassment prevention and training program;
  • The CEO or equivalent reviews reports of workplace violence/harassment and ensures that Sanctions are taken;
  • The managers or supervisors who investigate the reported incident warn all staff who might be affected about dangerous situations. They also tell the reporting employee about the outcome of the investigation to help minimize the chance of similar incidents;
  • If a violent incident results in a critical injury to a worker, the Safety Manager investigates the incident or injury OH&S officer, police and WCB.

There is no us without a healthy you.

Safety. Respect the unexpected.